“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” - Eeyore
You are not alone and there are a lot of resources available to you.
Please reach out to one of these organisations for support.
It’s okay to not be okay - reach out to someone today.
If you or someone you know is in danger call 111
Anxious or Feeling Blue
We have some videos and links below that you may find helpful for you and your children.
Scroll down to see more
Family Violence
This number is set up for
men who feel they are goin
to harm a loved one or
whanau member
24/7 0800 HEYBRO (439276)
Other Helpful Links
Kidsline 0800 57 37 54
Life Line: 24/7 0508 828 865
This video by Richard Black provided methods and strategies to deal with Helping Children's Emotional Wellbeing During Uncertainty. Richard Black is the owne...
This video by Richard Black provided methods and strategies to deal with Anxiety. Richard Black is the owner of the Counselling Service https://www.strengtht...